Sunday, March 07, 2010

invitation to a changed life

Here I am with my dear friend, Frank, as we navigate our way through the streets of Prague. Dan should have been on this excursion with us but due to financial constraints it was deemed neccessary that only I accompany Frank and Tony to Prague. I was really nervous as this was my first time leading a tour of Prague on my own. Dan is gifted with a phenomenal sense of direction and I am used to following his lead and not having to pay attention. I have gotten lost more times than I care to talk about and I panic when I am lost. So, for this particular trip, I had to suck it up and deal. And bring a map. And pay attention. And be a big girl.

Map in hand, we conquered Prague, saw the sights, managed the trains, almost got deported (stay tuned for that post), got a Starbucks (AWESOME!!), ate sushi at the best sushi joint ever, used a 12 function Japanese toilet, walked really fast (sorry, Tony) and didn't get lost ONCE!!! A map, and the knowledge of how to interpret the map made the day go by smoothly. We would have been lost if we had relied only on our own knowledge of Prague to get around. I have been there many times, but not enough to do it on my own.

Funnily enough, I try to go through my own life navigating unsuccessfully because I think I know the way. I lack the wisdom and experience and sight to do this on my own. I will get lost. As I was reading the map of Prague I was reminded to be thankful for the Bible which God has given to me as a sort of map for my own life. There is so much to see and do, I don't want to waste time not knowing where I am.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Enjoyed this posting a lot! ~Ginger R.