Friday, March 19, 2010

spoken gratitude
Because of the LORD's great love we are not consumed,for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.
Lamentations 3:22-23

1. Jesus has brought light morning to this world bathed in night, light to this darkened heart of mine.

2. The Word of God, our redemption recorded, a love story from Father to beloved child.

3. That you, my God, help us on this journey, walk with us, forgive us, call to us, hold us in your hands, call us your own, discipline us, allow us to stumble and then lovingly lift us up again.

4. God's love. Wider than any ocean, deeper than any sea, higher than any mountain. Enough to cover over my multitude of flaws and weaknesses, enough to endure suffering on my behalf and forgive me.

5. Townshend International School, which boasts the only drinking fountain in South Bohemia. The look on a kid's face when they have never...never...seen a drinking fountain before is pretty rad.

6.Tea time and Lent devotions with my girls.

7. My husband, the best stryteller around.

8. Caprese salad for dinner with fresh basil leaves from my basil plant.

9. Our Bible study group, which is awesome!

10. God reminding me daily, gently, not to complain.

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