Tuesday, April 27, 2010


april 28

Outside my window...it is almost daybreak and in the small valley between our house and the forest hangs a thick blanket of fog. It lurks there quietly.

From the kitchen....I eat the same lunch almost every day. I don't eat in the school cafeteria anymore...maybe a couple of times a month. And I can only comeup with one meal a day so that is dinner. Breakfast is usually some coffeecake that I have baked or cereal and yogurt. But lunch is always a whole grain and sunflowerseed bread spread with curried mayo with turkey slices. This is accompnied by pickles, cashews and fruit. Pretty yummy.

I am wearing...a short-sleeved white t-shirt, long crepe black and rose skirt and black patent leather ankle strap wedges with big roses on the toes.

Pondering these words...Luke 20:1-8

One day he was teaching the people in the Temple, proclaiming the Message. The high priests, religion scholars, and leaders confronted him and demanded, "Show us your credentials. Who authorized you to speak and act like this?" Jesus answered, "First, let me ask you a question: About the baptism of John—who authorized it, heaven or humans?"
They were on the spot, and knew it. They pulled back into a huddle and whispered, "If we say 'heaven,' he'll ask us why we didn't believe him; if we say 'humans,' the people will tear us limb from limb, convinced as they are that John was God's prophet." They agreed to concede that round to Jesus and said they didn't know. Jesus said, "Then neither will I answer your question."

When I read this passage of Scripture I am stunned by Jesus' perfect wisdom. This leads to thoughts about His perfect patience, love, sacrifice, compassion. Sometimes it is really valuable to ponder His perfection.

I am thankful for... the trees burgeoning with leaves and the perfume of wisteria, hyacinth and cherry blossoms in the air.

I am going...to my friend Fiana's house. The girls are going to play with her daughters and we are going to chit chat...in ENGLISH!!!

I am reading...Monsters:History's Most Evil Men and Women by Simon Sebag Montefiore. I am already up to Attila the Hun...It is a good book and an interesting history lesson.

I am hearing...Danny listening to horrible country music on the radio. I cannot imagine what he is thinking. I almost cannot handle it. Long live reggae!!!

Around the house... Scriffers remains. We got him some Frontline tick stuff that we apply to the back of his neck. So I hope that he remains tick free so that he can still hang with us.

I am hoping...for a few days of sun in a row...I am jonesing to lay out in my bikini!!

One of my favorite things...Trdelník...see tomorrow's post to find out more!

A few plans for the rest of the week: drop our car off at the mechanic's in the neighboring village and then walk 2 hours home. If it isn't pouring this is a fun walk through forests and meadows teeming with loping deer and scurrying pheasants. It will probably be pouring according to the forcast for this week. But we have done it in the pouring rain as well. Not ideal, but funny, nonetheless.

A picture thought I am sharing:

Trampolines make life much better.


Frank N said...

I hope it doesn't rain on your guys, remember your umbrellas! Love the picture of the girls. =)

Anthony said...

LOL have fun girls!