Wednesday, April 07, 2010

a few of my favourite things
running sushi
One of our favourites is running sushi in Prague. The novelty of watching your food glide past you magically, all in bite-sized portions on colourful plates feels less like a dining experience and more like a festival for your tummy. Each dish holds the promise of a new gastronomic adventure. "Will this dish be tasty?", "What could this mysteriously tin foil-wrapped marvel be?", "Should I try the squishy coconut-covered ball?" (No, don' is like eating an eyeball filled with ashes.) The girls absolutely loved being in charge of doling out the food and forcing us to try new, weird stuff. Maybe a skewer of baby squids tickles your fancy, or a steamed pouch of sweet potato...everything you could possibly imagine is served up at Running Sushi. Rebekah even folded her napkin into the traditional crane origami and sent it on its way around the conveyor made two full circuits.


Anthony said...

Oh that looks like so much fun! Wish I was there with you guys... Man and I am hungry right now...Oyishii!!

Gramma said...

How very cool! Sounds like a ton of fun and a little adventurous.

SFNewzGirl said...

Next time you're in SF, remind me to take you to a sushi boat. Same idea but each plate glides past on a mini boat floating on a mini river. So cool.