Monday, April 05, 2010

invitation to a changed life


Yesterday we went on a big hike following the stations of the cross in a village nearby. Reviewing the photos we had taken, I noticed that I didn't smile in any of them. Granted, they were candid shots, but it seems that my default look is disgruntled. I was disconcerted to realize this. Maybe smiling more, making an effort to smile...simply smile for smiling's sake...would be a good habit to adopt. Perhaps having a great big smile on my face when I see my girls. Or when they talk to me, look them in the eyes and smile. More often than not I look irritated as if they have interrupted something important. Often, I am found barking orders at them, giving them and my husband lists of tasks to accomplish and halfheartedly listening to their stories. With my students as well, I have caught myself scowling more often than smiling. My stress or mood worn on my face for all to see. Adopting a smile, whether at that moment I feel it or not, may very well be the catalyst for turning my mood around. Anyway, just thinking out loud...

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