Saturday, April 08, 2006

As Danny and I traveled last week to the Czech Republic, we prayed that God would strengthen or diminish our desire to be here in CZ according to His will. We really want to be doing what He wants us to do. Well, God has honored that prayer and clearly shown us that this is our new home. Now we really need your prayers. We have some decisions to make and some challenges ahead of us.

First: The house we want (where the landlord is interested in hearing more of Jesus) is on hold for us for two weeks. We have the option to give him a deposit to hold the house til August, but we want to be sure of our support. Right now we are at 40%...we really want to go to CZ in August, but we must have 100% by would you please pray that we could see an increase in our support in the next two we could make a decision about this house...

Second: Would you pray for us that we would have clear direction when to sell our house...We really need to hear from God as to whether to take a step of faith assuming that we will be leaving in August and put our house up on the market in May...or hold out...

Third: We would love to have continued prayer for our children's schooling. Both of us feel that it would be a good plan to have them in Czech schools so that they can learn the language, make friends and integrate into the culture. We are leaning this way more strongly now...homeschooling would isolate them and for them to be happy here we want them to feel a part of life in CZ. Please pray for potential teachers and friends for them.

Fourth: Please pray with us for the real estate lady and our potentail landlord, that the Holy Spirit would continue to speak to them...Also, continue to pray for Ceske Budejovice (our city) where out of 200,000 people, only 250 claim Jesus as their savior....

We are trusting the Lord that his timing is perfect, but we do have a renewed sense of urgency now...the need here is great and there are so many benefits to coming in August...we are praying for more to partner with us....


Anonymous said...

Super color scheme, I like it! Keep up the good work. Thanks for sharing this wonderful site with us.

Anonymous said...

Your are Nice. And so is your site! Maybe you need some more pictures. Will return in the near future.

Anonymous said...

Hmm I love the idea behind this website, very unique.