Tuesday, April 03, 2007

New Friends

We are so thankful to God for making what could have been a traumatic transition much smoother...We were all tired and cranky when we pulled into our accomodations last Tuesday afternoon. The children were in tears from fatigue, but as soon as they saw the swingset and the two little girls playing they perked right up. These girls are the new friends. They play together for hours everyday. Veronika is 9 and Natalka is 7...right at the ages of our girls. They speak no English, so playtime is quiet...but Rebekah is a determined little girl, and brings her slovnik (dictionary) wherever she goes and attempts to communicate. Her Czech is improving, as is ours as we talk daily to the mum and dad, Michal and Dasa, who have become frinds as well. Saturday, we all went to Natalka's narozenniny party (birthday) at McDonalds. Last night we had a sausage roast over an open fire by the lake and chatted in broken Czech for hours while all the children played. Yesterday I asked Bekah how she was doing with this transition, and she said she was "quite content"...so far so good...

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