Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Empty nest...
Yesterday I looked into the nest to check on our babies and they were gone. We found one dead under the tree and the rest are in some cat somewhere. We are all very sad...Rebekah was so devastated...she made a little headstone and we buried the baby bird. Roxie decorated the grave wth flowers. It was a huge bummer for us. But we are thankful to have had the experience of seeing them hatch and watching them...it was a joy.


Frank N said...

sorry to hear about the birdies. =( I hope you all are well. You're in my prayers as always. Did you guys see that the Czech Pres was in the news again? http://www.ft.com/cms/s/9deb730a-19ca-
He always cracks me up when I read about him. Too bad other world leaders weren't as intelligent as he. Take care!

Anonymous said...

Sophia and i enjoyed your pics of birds, frogs and the castle. we have lots of wildlife here too. like giant spiders, and snakes in the back yard. we'd rather have birdies..lol/
we will pray for you. esp; as you learn your new second language. you can do it. God will help you.