Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Nemocnice- hospital

Today I (Krista) had to go to the cardiologist at the hospital in Ceske Budejovice. I have a simple heart defect for which I take medicine everyday, but I am almost running out so I had to find a doctor who would be able to refill my prescription. It was pretty funny as I had no idea of the doctor's name, only that I had an appointment. So I checked in at reception, explained that I couldn't speak czech very well and where was cardiology (all in czech mind you). I was told to go to the building on the left with the blue windows, and it would be on the first floor. The building was eerily quiet and no one, I repeat, no one was around. We walked all around looking for the kardiologie ordinace (cardiology office). We finally found some door that seemed to be sort of like a kardiologie ord. But no one answered when I knocked. And knocked, and knocked. There was literally no one around. Then suddenly a doctor appeared out of one of the many unmarked doors in the hall and I immediately jumped up and explained my situation (in horrific czech) and asked if he could help us. He was so nice and said that he thought we were at the right door. So we waited some more. He came out of his door again and saw that we were still there and he went and asked a lady with super bright maroon hair if she knew what was going on. She said that the Kardiologie ord. had recently moved (of course!) and that it was on a different floor. She was headed that way and would take us there. SCORE!!!. So she points us to the Urology department and I started to worry that my czech was worse than I thought. But in that department I found a door marked kardiologie. The urology receptionist looked at me funny since I was the only woman in a room filled with men, some wearing only bathrobes...so I went and asked her if this was the right door. She said no, that kardiologie was on the first floor...YIKES!!! By this time I am late for my appointment, and I am trying to decide what to do. So I sit with the men in front of the door and wait and hope. Soon a lady comes out of the door and looks at me and asks (in czech) if I am the American lady...HOORAY!! I found the right door!!! So I had an EKG and the doctor (who spoke pretty decent english...SURPRISE) said that I should have some procedure done on my heart to cure my problem...unfortunately they don't serve anesthetic...YIKES!!!! The doctor promises it won't hurt.....YIKES AGAIN!!!

1 comment:

Frank N said...

Wow I'll be praying for you. Do you know if you're gonna do the surgery? Thanks for all the info regarding the trip. Blessings!