Monday, August 02, 2010

camp coyan
a case of the doldrums

"The Doldrums—this zone is a band encircling the earth just north of the Equator. The region's light, shifting, and sometimes completely absent winds—are notorious for trapping sailing ships for days (or even weeks) without enough wind to power their sails.

Colloquially, to be in the doldrums, said especially of a person, is to be listless, despondent, inactive, stagnant, in a slump."

For the past couple of weeks we have not been having Camp Coyan due to various factors, a few being English Camp, inclement weather and the sorting of my new job and the girls' new school. Yesterday our ship arrived at The Doldrums and it sucked. A lot. It was discussed amongst the Camp Counselors and decided that the Head Counselor (me) was a genius (we already knew this) because her schedule worked so well at maintaining a course which completely avoids The Doldrums that her praises should be widely sung around the world. So beginning today, Camp Coyan is officially on again. And we are headed to more interesting waters.

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