life in this republic
kuky se vraci...kooky returns
Today we are going to see a film about a stuffed bear by acclaimed Czech director Jan Svěrák ("Kolya" his academy award winning film is amazing.) This film stars Jan's dad and son as does his film "Kolya". Roxie bought a Kuky doll and has even sewn a tuxedo for him to wear to his "premier" today. This Kuky is so cute but Czech animated films are not strictly kids' films...they are often dark and sarcastic, black humour, if you will. Fortunately, Czech kids are used to it. Here is a trailer I found subtitled correctly into English. A few I found were subtitled very poorly by someone who doesn't speak Czech. Our film today will have no subtitles, but we speak Czech OK. (if the film shows only a partial screen, click on it and it will take you to youtube where you can watch it full screen.)
Looks very cool - love Kuky (I want a Kuky doll) but there were no subtitles.
very Dark Crystal-esq. How fun!
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