Sunday, August 01, 2010

life in this republic

puppet show

On the last evening of English Camp, every group put on a Talent Show. Roxie was insanely excited to have spent the week making puppets with her group and then put on a puppet show of "Bill Grogan's Goat". She loves her puppets that she made and was stoked to be able to bring them home. Funnily enough, our cat Scriffers, is terrified of the puppets.

Bill Grogan's Goat 

Bill Grogan's Goat (repeat),
Was feelin' fine (repeat),
Ate three red shirts (repeat),
Right off the line (repeat).

Bill took a stick(repeat),
Gave him a whack (repeat),
And tied that goat (repeat),
To the railroad track (repeat).

The whistle blew! (repeat),
The train...grew...nigh (dramatic stretch)(repeat),
 Bill Grogan's Goat (repeat),
Was doomed to die (repeat).

He heaved a sigh (repeat), (dramatic stretch)repeat),
coughed up the shirts (repeat),
And flagged the train! (repeat).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I would like to exchange links with your site
Is this possible?