you say goodbye and I say
hello, hello, hello
Today is my last day of summer vacation. It can't did this happen? It is a gorgeous day outside. We will be going to the pool today, but only after the house has received its back to school spit and polish. This entails a thorough cleaning of cupboards, closets and refrigerator. Pretty much anything stationary will be molested with windex and papertowels and completely organized. Then off to the pool. We are ready for school to start. My lesson plans are done for the month of September, my classrooms and office cleaned, organized and decorated. (They look awesome! I will post pictures soon). I have written my scripts for the first 5 days of school and I am currently learning German so I can communicate with some of my students. Overachievers Anonymous, my name's Krista. The girls are very excited to go to their new school and later this weekend we will be going school supply shopping. Probably my favourite activity, ever. Starting Monday, I will be at work for teacher inservice training. I have no idea what to expect and am quite curious how they can fill an entire week with training, but as I am fully prepared for the first day of school I can sit back and enjoy the training. I am looking forward to it.
Townshend International School model student
Rebekah Gladys Coyan
Form 7
1 comment:
She looks adorable. Post one of Roxie too -- either here or have her post one on FB like Bekah did.
Buy school supplies at the beginning of every school year has been a passion of yours ever since you were tiny. Enjoy!!
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