Saturday, September 11, 2010

life in this republic

Today Roxie and I were just hangin' in our jammies and robes watching funny videos on Youtube and eating breakfast. A fabulous way to spend a Saturday morning after a loooong week. Then we saw a bird flying outside our window, heard a loud thump and realized this poor bird thought coming into our house through a pane of glass was a good idea. Not so, little bird, not so.We looked out our window only to find Lil' Peeps stunned and immobile on the windowsill. Roxie is our resident animal rescue commando and  went into action straight away. Alerting our naturalist neighbour, Hanka, Roxie proceeded to acquire from her the recommended procedure for the care of dazed and confused birdies. Gingerly, she picked up Lil' Peeps and carried him out to the backyard and sat with him, stroking his feathers. We caught a couple of shots and after a few minutes he flew away, none the worse for the wear. Huzzah! 


Gramma said...

Roxie comes by this gift honestly; as children Baba and I saved some birds, mice, and toads. A genetic trait?

SFNewzGirl said...

What a loving spirit Roxie has.