Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Základní Škola Hluboká nad Vltavou (Hluboká Elementary and Middle School)

february 9

Outside my window...it is dark. The street lamps are on producing an eerie orange reflection off the snow. It is really cold...minus 8. It is supposed to get colder this week and hopefully we will have more snow. Right now the snow is old. Icy, brown (yellow in parts...eeewwww), gray, not pretty snow. I am hoping for a fresh batch of snow for when our visitors arrive so they can see Hluboká in all of its medieval glory.

I am thankful for...my husband who is the best daddy. Rebekah is really struggling right now and I awoke this morning to a sealed envelope with Rebekah's name on it. Dan left me a note alongside it instructing me to give Rebekah the letter the next time she is upset at school. Which will most likely be today.

From the kitchen...coffee and Bebe crackers (a typical breakfast cracker filled with yogurt)

I am wearing...a robe and fuzzy socks. It's 5 a.m. I wake up every school day at 5 and blog. And drink coffee.

Pondering these words..."Stand at the crossroads and look; ask for the ancient paths, ask where the good way is, and walk in it." Jeremiah 6:16

I am going...to splurge and take the kids to McDonald's on Wednesday...just to help Rebekah's homesickness.

I am reading...the sequel to "Old Man's War"and "The Ghost Brigades" entitled "The Last Colony" by John Scalzi. Just started it. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Last_Colony#See_also

I am hoping...for wisdom. I have a 5th grade student with whom I am having trouble dealing. The problem is making it very unpleasant to teach in his class. I hope to talk to the principal today to glean some wisdom from him.

I am hearing...only the click, click, click of the keyboard keys.

Around the house...we are planning to turn our under-the-stairs storage nook into a hideout. The girls have drawn up plans, including, but not limited to: murals, lighting scheme, furnishings, storage solutions, flooring and relaxation resolutions (pillows and blankets). Or one of them could just live there a la Harry Potter.

One of my favorite things...our before bed routine. Snuggled in my bed, we write in our gratitude journals, read a chapter from the current book we are reading, read a story or poem about the virtue we are studying and then we pray. Afterwards, the girls curl up in their beds and get kissed a thousand times.

A few plans for the rest of the week: a "honey massage" given to me as a birthday gift from my friend, Anna. I am seriously hoping that I will not be rubbed down in honey.

A picture thought I am sharing...

We just bought seeds. In a couple of weeks it will be time to start planting them and get them in the greenhouse. Pumpkins, many varieties of squash, tomatoes, beans, peas, carrots, lettuce, radishes, cucumbers...

1 comment:

Frank N said...

sounds like a pleasant morning. hopefully we can cheer Bekah up! =)