Friday, March 12, 2010

spoken gratitude

1. that someday Spring will come...someday.

2. chocolate cupcakes

3. the movie "Tommy Boy"...brothers don't shake hands, brothers gotta hug.

4. going to art museums and thanking God for the talents He has given

5. hearing the howling wind when you are safely tucked into a cozy bed

6. teaching my students with Frank and Tony. The kids are still talking about it and greeting me in Japanese "Ohai-o, Sensei" with a bow

7. Danny helping me with lesson plans when I have no idea what to do

8. for squats, sit-ups and push-ups, the cheap home gym

9. Lent and walking the path of Bright Sadness

10. God seeks after me, the lost one, finds me and sets me free

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