Saturday, March 13, 2010

life in this republic
the police were mean to me

Travelling by train from Prague to České Budějovice, we were stopped by the police declaring passport control. Unfortunately, I had forgotten to remind Frank and Tony to have their passports with them. The police were less than thrilled by this. I had mine with me, but that would not suffice. One of the police started to become belligerent, saying that all foreigners were stupid and that we never obeyed any rules. While I admitted that it was entirely my fault, and assuring them that it wouldn't happen again, the mean cop continued his tirade while his partner looked on with a huge smirk on his face. After confiscating my passport, they left the compartment to deliberate. Returning, they handed back my passport and told me gravely, that they could have me deported, my friends deported and fine us all a hefty sum. Meanie then asked where I lived and worked. He then proceeded to tell me that he also lived in Hluboká (funny, I've never seen him before) and threatened me saying "I'll be looking for you. And if I see you, you better have your papers on you." Then they left. I was relieved. I was pretty sure that he didn't live in my town and that the threat was empty, but I was still shaken up a bit. A few minutes later they returned to our compartment, Meanie looking like he was on a witch hunt and his partner next to him almost peeing his pants with laughter like this was all so very funny to scare the foreign girl. Meanie barked out asking where my friends were staying and that he was going to go there and check up on them. Yikes! But it all proved to be empty threats and, I think, a fun evening for those cops. That was what bothered me the most, that they were having fun at our expense. It wasn't very nice.

1 comment:

Frank N said...

they were total jerks!