Wednesday, March 17, 2010

invitation to a changed life


If you're honest in small things,

you'll be honest in big things;

If you're a crook in small things,

you'll be a crook in big things.

If you're not honest in small jobs,

who will put you in charge of the store?

No worker can serve two bosses:

He'll either hate the first and love the second

Or adore the first and despise the second.

You can't serve both God and the Bank.

Luke 17

I admire people who are completely honest. I struggle with honesty, I am wont to bend the truth to serve my own purposes or to make people like me. Honesty isn't just about telling the truth, it is about doing what you are supposed to do when and how you said you would do it. Not cutting corners due to laziness or because no one is looking. Doing your job as if your boss is watching. Talking about others as if they are standing there listening. Often, I don't mind exaggerating to make a point, working in hyperbole as a master artist works in oils or other mediums. These verses struck me though, and I stand convicted. If I am honest in small things (like standing for supervision duty the whole 30 minutes, not ducking out at 25), I will be honest in the big things. They are connected. And I do so want to be a trustworthy servant whom the Master entrusts with much. I want to do His work and do it well. At the end I want to hear "Well done, good and faithful servant." Working and living as if the boss is watching isn't hard to fathom, because He is.
Today, God, my Master, I want to serve you in full openness and honesty. No secret sin, no cutting corners, no smudging the lines. Help me to see where I fall short and give me the courage to look myself full in the face to see who I really am. Change me God, help me to desire to leave the old behind and follow you. Thanks. I love you.

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