Sunday, March 21, 2010

invitation to a changed life
planting seeds

Seeds look dead. Dirt is dirty. Gardening is dirty work. Not to mention the worms...vile looking things that are good for your garden. Plant the seed, water it, give it sunshine and it grows and and bears fruit. And the fruit is g o o d. Inside each seed is the possibility of something spectacular. Inside you and I , God has imprtinted a wax mold...leaving His mark on us. That is why, until we seek after Him, we are seeking and finding but never satisfied. Nothing else fits. Put a seed in lime jello (I love lime jello) it doesn't grow, it doesn't bear fruit. Put a seed in a box of cushiony socks (I love comfy socks) it doesn't grow. How 'bout a barrel of money (I love money) the seed still won't grow. Everything that we desire and seek after maybe good fun stuff, but it doesn't satisfy. The seed only grows when put in good soil. God made it that way, and He made us with an impression of Him that will only be satisfied when seeking after Him. And then we will start to grow. The business of growing a seed is dirty work. Your hands will get messy. Life is messy, but in this mess is richness and purpose and change and beauty. Amazing that a mound of dirt, some worms and a dead looking seed can grow a whole tomato plant that feeds you all summer with the sweetest, juciest tomatoes imaginable. There is sweetness for us and there is a juicy ending for us if we plant ourselves in the right medium. Where are you planted?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

WOW! What a way with words--and a great devotional, as well. Thanks! ~Ginger