Thursday, April 01, 2010



The fallen Christ. Burdened with our sin. Suffering. Heavy with sorrow. The unimaginable weight. Pain and grief. Weary and struggling. His willing sacrifice for love unrequited. Those He died for spat on Him. Those He died for hammered the nails into His hands and feet.

I am fallen. Faithless. Changing like the wind. Yet He remains constant. Consistant. Enduring. Forgiving. Loving...unconditionally. Deserving none of this constancy, yet here it is before me, freely given.

Looking around me I see many things I treasure. Many things I am devoted to; people, projects, philosophies. That I would treasure His sacrifice and my consequent freedom above all else. Adoration comes to mind. Adoring Him, in awe of who He is and what I am because of Him. Worship...the fallen falling on her knees....

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