Saturday, April 17, 2010

life in this republic
it's fun until someone gets hurt

Today's impromptu family baseball game ended badly. Armed with a few rocks as bases, a tennis racket and a foam ball that Scriffers usually plays with, we headed out into the plowed field behind our house. A few innings into our "game" things went awry. Roxie was up to bat (which is funny as she is swinging the racket like she is testing out a new set of meat cleavers) and she catches the ball just so and hits Rebekah in the eye with it. It was going pretty fast and fit just perfectly into her eye socket. Rebekah crumpled up into a ball and fell in the dirt. She screamed and said it felt like her eye had been forced into her brain. I took her inside to calm her down and watched as her eye swelled up. It was then that I noticed her injured eye wasn't just had a small black pin-point. OK...I don't think that is good. I didn't mention this to her as it would send her into a new round of hysterics. Calmly, I went to Dan and told him and we immediately began looking it up on the internet. I kinda figured that we might be making an emergency trip to the hospital. Long story short, while we were researching, her pupil looked a bit bigger then after an hour or so made a full recovery. The jury is still out as to whether she will have a black eye (she is rooting for one as she was promised Monday off of school if she did), but otherwise it looks OK...


Frank N said...

Poor Bekah, I hope she gets the day off though! =)

Gramma said...

Me too!

Gramma said...

Poor baby, though. Must really, really hurt.

Anonymous said...

So sorry to hear about Bekah :(
on a side note- Chris Kraft- (Dan and Krista's cousin from canada) is currently in Berlin stranded because of the volcano ash...he is wanting to contact them to perhaps take a train over to see them- But he has no contact info for them- If anyone reading this blog- or Dan or Krista see this- He can be reached at 604-613-1676 ( this is his canadian cell phone#) or you can reach me in canada at 604-952-7668 to relay any phone numbers you have for him to get in contact with them!
Thanks so much!
Julie :)