Tuesday, September 28, 2010

journey towards wisdom
day 1

 I said to myself, "I know more and I'm wiser than anyone before me in Jerusalem. I've stockpiled wisdom and knowledge." What I've finally concluded is that so-called wisdom and knowledge are mindless and witless—
nothing but spitting into the wind.
Ecclesiastes 1:16-17

For a long time now I have felt far away from God, as if there was a clear film surrounding me. I could see where I wanted to be but not break through the barrier. It was causing me frustration and a general sense that my spirit was suffering, starving, drying up, and I could see the effects of it. Krista was coming through more often...the girl that I think is so cool and smart, so self-confident, but not good. Only God is good. During this season, I have been praying and seeking Him, not feeling anything, but still praying. Wanting. Waiting. Asking to be drawn closer.
God has answered my prayer, but in a far different way than I would have expected. A harder way. A beautiful way. My life is hardship for a time and I see that this is necessary for me so that I might run into His arms and be comforted. I seek after Him morning and night because it is a matter of survival. I cry out for wisdom so the day's challenges can be met. I am thankful beyond understanding for the answer to prayer.
God is taking me on a journey towards wisdom. A journey towards a closer walk with Him. He has brought me through the book of Ecclesiastes, day by day and His word is changing me. It is cutting me open and revealing the cancerous mass that needs to be removed. 
I am sick, flawed, imperfect. My own so-called wisdom and knowledge no longer makes the grade. It must be admitted, repented of and turned away from. Journey with me towards wisdom and ultimately, change. 


Gramma said...

We all need God' guidance and wisdom. We all fall short. We must strive but realize we will never reach the goal; but strive we must.

Frank N said...
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Frank N said...

wow, ditto Krista.