Saturday, February 13, 2010

life in this republic
the principal's office

This is the hallway leading to the principal's office at the elementary and middle school where I teach. Behind the yellow door that you see is the office of the one person that can help me when I am having discipline problems in my classroom. This past week several students have walked this hallway with me, fearing for their lives. Often, I have them by the collar of their shirt ensuring they will not escape.
Infractions noted this week:

1. the throwing of paper airplanes during the lesson
2. belligerent mocking while I am teaching
3. blowing raspberries during a lecture
4. cheating on a test

I am heralded as one of the strictest teachers in the school. It must be this way because with a language handicap I cannot afford to let things get out of control for I will then have no way to reign them back in. And I hate yelling. Screaming at students is the preferred disciplinary measure used by the teachers. The method I have utilized is zero tolerance. It seems to be working.


Gramma said...

Good for you! You are giving them a valuable life lesson as well.

Anonymous said...

Yay, Krista! What courage and perseverance that must take! Keep it up! Love, GR