Tuesday, March 23, 2010

march 23

Outside my window...15 degrees and sunny, sunny, sunny! We actually hung the laundry out to dry for the first time since September! Bees are buzzing everywhere and I feel like laying out to catch a tan...but not yet...I must wait a bit for that.

From the kitchen...lots of good meals. My menu plan is working well. I made a menu for the entire month with nothing repeated. Then weekly shopping lists from the menus. So all of the work is done.

I am wearing...Dark blue jeans, a white blouse with a v-neck ruffle collar, huge dangly earrings and navy blue wedges.

Pondering these words...Out of the blue, Roxie asked me if I would rather have more faith or more confidence. I think I would rather have more faith. I simply want to believe that He can and will do what is right and good and I don't have to make it all work out and strive so very hard.

I am thankful for...Malaysian tea. Thanks, Ion, for bringing me some all the way from Jakarta!

I am going...to the doctor early this morning for a blood test before work. EEEWWW! (It went well...no fainting. This nurse was awesome!!!)

I am reading...The Gone series by Michael Grant. I have finished the first in the series, Gone, and now I am halfway through the second book, Hunger. They are great and Rebekah really liked them. A third, Lies, is coming out in May.

I am hearing...My husband playing DDR in the garage.

Around the house...All paint and materials purchased for our under the stairs hideout. Painting commences on March 27th.

I am hoping...that I can control my students until Easter break...they are squirmy right now.

One of my favorite things...the sun makes my husband cheery!!

A few plans for the rest of the week: a looong hike tomorrow in the sun-dappled forest along the river Vltava and dinner with Danny's students at our favorite Indian restaurant.

A picture thought I am sharing...

The mayor's cat gave birth to three very cute kittens on the first day of Spring. The mayor said to me, "Well, we are now one big family." And then he patted me on the back. The girls totally want one of the kittens. I have two months to decide. Did I mention that they are totally cute? I don't know if our cat, Scriffers, senses his new responsibility, but in the form of true tomcats everywhere, we haven't seen him in 2 days. He did bring us a dead mouse as a gift tho'.

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