Saturday, March 27, 2010

life in this republic
what not to wear

Today we went to the garden shop in our village. Standing in line with our flowers and bags of soil, I noticed in front of us the worst dressed man in the universe...seriously, universe. Camouflage leggings...on a very middle-aged, beard wearing, man who was built like a grandma. He was also wearing crocs and exposing just a subtle bit of ankle with tufts of leg hair. Plus, these camo leggings had pockets that were stuffed with his keys and a hankie. Oh, and he was also wearing the matching camo fleece jacket. Men, please say NO to leggings...and camo matching outfits are out this season. Trust me.


Frank N said...


Gramma said...


Gramma said...

Leggings!! Camo Leggings!! Now there's a fashion statement I can get behind with a halter to show off my six pack!!

Gramma said...

That last comment was from Pop not gramma.....give credit where credit is due!!