Tuesday, April 13, 2010


april 13

Outside my window...nature has struck! Here in the village where we live for 6 months it is like an icy tomb, then spring comes and nature here is LOUD. The birds are going NUTS right now. Geesh, it's like a bird festival out there. PIPE DOWN, WILL YA! hee hee

From the kitchen...lemon cake with coconut frosting baked in honor of Rebekah's friend, Yarra's birthday which we celebrate today at our house.

I am wearing...a denim skirt, white long-sleeved shirt with a brown short-sleeved wrap-around sweater, striped tights, brown wooden-heeled shoes and a ceramic necklace made by a friend.

Pondering these words...by Mohandas Ghandi
The Roots of Violence:
Wealth without work,
Pleasure without conscience,
Knowledge without character,
Commerce without morality,
Science without humanity,
Worship without sacrifice,
Politics without principles.

I am thankful for...my daughters who really get along well with each other. This time in CZ has bonded them because they must lean on each other. It is a tangible blessing that has come form our life here.

I am going...to go nuts if I look at my schedule any more this week. I have packed it so tight I have not a minute of breathing room.

I am reading...I am bookless. It is sort of like being homeless for me. In lieu of a proper book I have taken up my daughter's "Diary of a Wimpy Kid" series, hoping that the movie will soon come to CZ.

I am hearing...BIRDS...crikey!

Around the house...trying to decide whether to kick the cat, Scriffers, out or not. He has ticks...must look into anti-tick something or other.

I am hoping...that I can teach today with joy in my heart knowing that I do all things to serve my Lord. "And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by Him. And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men." Colossians 3:17 & 23

One of my favorite things...skyping with my friend, Jeanne, in California. I am looking forward to our call tonight.

A few plans for the rest of the week: drop our car off at the mechanic's in the neighboring village and then walk 2 hours home. If it isn't pouring this is a fun walk through forests and meadows teeming with loping deer and scurrying pheasants. It will probably be pouring according to the forcast for this week. But we have done it in the pouring rain as well. Not ideal, but funny, nonetheless.

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