Tuesday, July 27, 2010

collecting miracles
townshend international school

God has given us another miracle for our collection. After three years in the Czech school system, my children are overjoyed to the point of tears at hearing the news that they will be going to Townshend International School this coming school year. We have been praying about this for over two years, many long walks and long talks have gone into this. I always knew that it would take a miracle to get the kids there as it a very expensive private school. But a week ago, God showed His plan to us and opened the doors for me to work there and for both girls to go there on full scholarships. I will be teaching Kindergarten (my own classroom and only 12 children...HOORAY!!!) and the girls will be in a mixed-level class of 4-7th graders including their best friends in CZ. The teaching is all in English and the focus of the school is on 5 virtues: Honour, Respect, Commitment, Responsibility and Leadership. We really feel that God is leading us here and wants us to work and learn at Townshend and glorify Him in all that we do. I think this will be a better place for the girls, especially Rebekah, and may enable us to stay here in CZ longer to fulfill His purpose for us. Thank you, God...


Gramma said...

Amen and Praise His Name!

Opa said...

PATIENCE plus TRUST = REWARDS! You four have been blessed by a God Given Miracle. PTL!